At the end of the session and after the cool down jog, the final thing we need to do is static stretches.
If you have any injuries, strains, pulls or niggles, please do not do these stretches as they may make the injury worse
Calf stretch
Stand facing a wall and place your arms out in front of you with your hands against the wall. Place your left leg forward and bend the knee, while leaving your right leg extended straight back. Both feet should be flat on the floor. Lean toward the wall to stretch the calf muscle in your right leg. Hold for 15–30 seconds, then switch sides. Repeat three times.
Hamstring stretch
You can do a simple hamstring stretch where you stand with your feet together and fold forward at the waist to touch your toes with your hands. For a slightly different stretch, spread your legs a few feet apart and fold at the waist, trying to touch the floor with your fingers. Hold either stretch for 15–30 seconds. Repeat three times.
Quad stretch
You derive a lot of your running power from your quads and they get a serious workout as you charge up and down rugged trails so it’s important to stretch them out after a run. Stand on your left leg and bring your right heel up toward your butt. Grab your right ankle with your right hand and gently pull your foot up and in. Hold for 15–30 seconds, then switch sides. Repeat three times.
Hip flex
Lifting your legs up and over obstacles and pushing hard to get up steep hills can give your hip flexors a serious workout while trail running. Kneel on your left knee and place your right foot on the floor in front of you so the bend in your knee makes a 90-degree angle. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your left hip. You can use your arms to help maintain balance or place both hands on your right knee. Hold for 15–30 seconds, then switch sides. Repeat three times.
IT band stretch
Cross your right foot over your left and fold forward at the hips to touch your toes with your fingers. While in this position, try to push your feet closer together without actually moving them. You should feel the stretch along the outside of your left leg. Hold for 15–30 seconds, then switch sides. Repeat three times.