5kttt – All-In-One

A bonus challenge, separate to the time trials series, and a good test of navigational skills.

This route takes you on a circular route and links up all of the 5 5kTTT courses – a challenge, not a race, and in addition to the 5K TTT race series. View the 5KTTT All-in-One Hall of Fame (at the bottom of this page)


  • Start anywhere on the route and finish at the same place. The route is below with a link to Strava and the GPX file
  • Run anytime
  • Go clockwise or anti-clockwise, it’s up to you
    • Anti-clockwise includes up Limb Valley, Up Lady Cannings, Down Green Lane, Down Totley Trig, Down Gillifield Wood (2-up, 3-down)
    • Clockwise includes up Gillifield Wood, up Totley Trig, Up Green Lane, Down Lady Cannings and Down Limb Valley (3-up, 2-down

Send your name and date of completion to chris@runtimes.co.uk to be added to the All-in-One Hall of Fame

Route details

Distance: Approx. 22.5km with 520m ascent
Start point / finish point:Anywhere on the route. Follow the route either clockwise or anti-clockwise. Finish at the same place you started
Terrain:Mainly off-road with a few short road sections, on mostly good paths, and some very muddy bits
Toilets on route:Norfolk Arms
Longshaw Cafe (check opening times)
Shepley Spitfire
GPX:Download the GPX here

Route with link to Strava and GPX file

5KTTT All-in-One Hall of Fame

Des Ryan19th May 2024
Paul Turner25th May 2024
Des Ryan2rd June 2024
Chris Day2nd June 2024
Liz Carthy2nd June 2024
Ellie Smith5th June 2024
Martin Robbins
8th June 2024
Richard Watts8th June 2024
Chris Heggs8th June 2024
Des Ryan9th June 2024
Amy Conlan9th June 2024
Ian Bates9th June 2024
Andy Pearson18th June 2024
David Frixon23rd June 2024
Mandy Moore1st August 2024
Andy Moore1st August 2024
Pat Goodall4th August 2024
Alex Wall4th August 2024
Roz Massey4th August 2024
Mark Buskwood4th August 2024
Nadia Raza18th August 2024
David Haire18th August 2024
Chris Heggs18th August 2024
Lisa Cooper24th August 2024
Alasdair Tatum24th August 2024
Phil Applegate26th August 2024
Will Doole1st September
Rachel Doole1st September